Dartfish Sales & Training

Laptop and Video Camera Specifications

Spec sheet from Dartfish USA available here.

Recommended upgrades:

  • Brand name: relatively unimportant. I use a Dell Inspiron 8600 and it runs great!
  • Ram: get 1 GB or better
  • Video Card: Get at least a 128mb. NIVIDIAGforce 256 is ideal (multiple monitor support)
  • A 100GB hard drive is nice. Obviously, more space is nice to have (5400rpm min)
  • 7200 RPM drives are now available. Avoid 4800 RPM drives!
  • Make sure it has a 1394port (DV) and at least 2 USBS
Brand name: Go for Panasonic or Sony. Avoid JVC! (I have been through 3 of them this year)

Make sure it has a 1394 or iport (DV) out!

WARNING!! MOST MINIDVD cameras do not have this vital port!!!

You will also need to purchase a firewire connecting cable, cost is approximately 30 dollars.